Welcome To The Society of Renal Nutrition And Metabolism


The Department of Nephrology, SGPGIMS, warmly invites you to participate in "Advanced Certificate Course in Renal Nutrition And Metabolism" which is being organized on April 29th and 30th 2017 under the banner of Society of Renal Nutrition and Metabolism.

Dr. Anita Saxena
MD (AM), PhD, PhD(Cambridge)
Additional Professor
Organizing Secretary
Department of Nephrology
SGPGIMS Lucknow 226014
Email: anitimmy@sgpgi.ac.in
anitimmy@yahoo.com Tel: +919453019812,
+ 918004944354

The aim of the course is to bring about awareness among physicians and dieticians on prevention and management of malnutrition in CKD population. The scientific content of the workshop is directly related to patient care which will be useful in current renal-specific nutritional practice. The course focuses on issues of utmost importance in day to day practice and is structured along understanding pathophysiology, causes, metabolic changes contributing to protein-energy wasting in kidney disease, evaluating screening measures of nutritional status and developing practical skills to implement and critically evaluate nutritional assessment methods and research to review current renal-specific nutritional practice, nutritional guidelines and treatment options for the range of CKD conditions such as acute kidney injury, diabetic nephropathy, hypertension, kidney stone disease, glomerulopathies, end stage renal disease etc. and updates on latest information on nutritional management strategies in chronic kidneydisease (CKD).
There will be four workshops on clinical case discussion. The advanced course will be helpful in planning more focused approach in management of patients and will be an opportunity to interact with groups, both national and international, working in renal nutrition.

Dr AK Bhalla
President SRNM
Co.Chair Nephrology
Department of Nephrology
Sir Ganga Ram Hospital New Delhi
Email: bhalla@yahoo.com
Tel: +91 981104737